New Jersey State Organization DKG Leadership 2023 - 2025
The members of the Executive Board shall be the elected officers, treasurer, immediate past state president, and the chapter presidents . The parliamentarian and the past state presidents shall be ex-officio members without vote.
DKGNJ Executive Committee
- President- Irene Maskaly, Iota
- 1st Vice President/ Program Planning - Cathy Fortunato, Lambda
- 2nd Vice President/ Membership - Diane Roberts, Omicron
- Recording Secretary - Chris Musick, Nu
- Corresponding Secretary - Luella Vengenock, Beta
- Treasurer - Ellen Hahn, Beta
- Nominations Chair - Mary Lou LeCompte, Lambda
- Parliamentarian - Dr Barbara Glazewski, Lambda
- Immediate Past President - Dr. Nora Pollard, Lambda
IMG_5941 from Alpha Zeta State DKG on Vimeo.