The Finance Committee for 2023-2025:
- Joan Oehm, Chair
- Ellen Hahn, Treasurer
- Irene Maskaly, President
- Nora Pollard , Immediate Past President
- Lucille Ziegler, Zeta Chapter
- Jane Flannagan, Xi Chapter
- JoAnn Corvino, Beta Chapter
- Jan Paxton, Convention Registrar
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- Please use the attached voucher for Alpha Zeta State expense payments/reimbursements. If you are sending Ellen Hahn snail mail - like dues or initiates' fees - Please use the attached file for her address.
- Read the latest Focus on Finance from the society.
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- City Sports Venues - will often pay organizations to clean up after event.
- Sell Pins - related to DKG and biennial theme along with ribbons at state level.
- Experienced or “Real” Auctioneer – donate time and lead a live auction of items.
- Sell Old Jewelry - collect old jewelry from members, bag it, and sell for $1, $3, or $5.
- Bakeless Bake Sale - send out poem and ask members to send dollars they would spend if actually baked item. Members not attending meeting have opportunity to participate.
- Yankee Candle Co. - take orders from members, friends, and families over 3-month period for candles. Co. awards 40% of profit to organizations. (1200 orders could earn $600 to $700.)
- Basket Auction – prepare basket around a theme—chocolate, bath and body products, etc . Sell tickets at 25 cents or more apiece and place them in the can set in front of each basket.
- Silent Auction – place slip with minimum bid at top and lines for names of bidders. Do auction in November with a Christmas theme. (Chapter raised $800.)
- Pay for Spoonfuls – Pay $1 or less for each spoonful from a variety of dishes for a meal that was donated by members.
- Silent Auction of Wrapped Items – include a poem that gives a hint as to the contents in package.
- Auction of Items Made by Members – will learn interests of members.
- “Pennelope” Piggy Bank – at every meeting have bank to collect for postage.
- Serendipity Jars – put money in baby food or small jar at home, bring to meeting and share something good that has happened to you when turning in the jar.
- Ten-Week Club – for 50 members, prepare 100 tickets. Each member buys 2 tickets for $10 each. Winner, who receives $50, is chosen based on winning lottery number on certain day of week. (Chapter raised $500.)
- Chapter Meeting Raffle of One Item – if you win, you bring the prize to the next meeting.
- Silpada Jewelry Party – or other jewelry company which gives a percentage to organization.
- Raffle of An Item – handmade baby quilt, local artist’s picture, etc.
- Local Restaurant – may offer 10%/15%/25% of one-day food sales for those who have the special restaurant coupon which is purchased ahead of time.
- Charge for Not Wearing DKG pin – 50 cents or more.
- Live Auction of Gently Used Purse – have a member act as auctioneer of purse which contains an undisclosed item – gift card, lotion, holiday decoration, kitchen tool, etc.
- Luncheon/Style Show at Themed Tables – sell tickets for your special table of country visited, holiday, season, etc. to members, friends, and family.
- Yard or Garage Sale – through community college rather than a residential home.
- Blueberry Sale – take orders from people in community, pick blueberries at local orchard for a small fee, and package by pound. (Chapter had orders for 800 lbs.)
- Sell 20-lb Packages of Various Cuts of Meat – make arrangements with local meat locker and take orders.
- Trivia Night - invite the public with 8 people per table at a cost of $10 each. Someone makes up the categories - sports, television, local landmarks, etc. At the beginning of each category, each table is given a sheet to write their answers to each question. Each category has 5-10 questions and each group of 8 works together to come up with the correct answer. Each team makes up a name which is written on a chalkboard or Excel spreadsheet with the score for each category added. The team with the highest score will receive a predetermined amount - a percentage of the total received. Baked goods and baskets can be available for sale or raffle. (Chapter made over $1,000.) Also, directions can be found when you Google Trivia Fundraising.
- Scrapbooking Night - contact a local scrapbooking store that has the room to offer classes. Ask to hold a 12-hour scrapbooking session beginning at 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Charge between $25 - $45, which provides the space, 3 meals and snacks. The store will have a database that they may share with you to invite those who scrapbook. If not, advertise. Both the chapter makes a profit and the store as scrapbookers will buy many supplies during that 12 hours. The store also provides a die cut, paper cutter, etc. to assist the scrapbookers. All attendees bring their own supplies and buy others while in the store. (Chapter made over $1,000 and the scrapbooking store almost the same.)