NJ State Organization News
Dear DKGNJ Officers, Committee Chairs, and Chapter Presidents,
I hope you are all enjoying the last few weeks of summer. As September is quickly creeping up on us, it is time to introduce myself. My name is Shannon Pizzuta and I am pleased to be the new state editor of the DKGNJ Newsletter. I am currently the Communications Chair in the Iota chapter which includes being the chapter editor, webmaster, and social media operator. Now, with the support of our last editor, the amazing Heather Leiberman, I hope I can continue to create a newsletter that makes DKGNJ proud. I know I have big shoes to fill, so please be patient with me as I learn the ropes.
With that being said, it's time to start planning the fall edition of our DKGNJ newsletter. This edition will heavily feature chapter updates. Please use this link to read the tentative submission schedule for the year, as well as the planned content for each newsletter. After a planning session with our DKGNJ President, Irene Maskaly, we have decided to expand the newsletter to include a brief summer issue, as well as a few new features including---- convention sales, member spotlights, and an end-of-year reflection for active members.
AZS Committee Chairs and Officers - Although you may not have news to submit for each newsletter, I am sending this email to you all in case you would like to submit an article at any point this year. You are very welcome to submit articles, committee reports or summaries, as needed, at any time!
Chapter Presidents - Please share this email with your chapter editors and ask them to email me their names asap. I will be creating a special email group to send submission reminders out throughout the year. Please ask them to kindly submit their "Chapter Updates" and 1st official "Member Spotlight" articles (with an optional photograph, including caption/credit) to [email protected] by the deadline of October 7, 2023.
I am looking forward to working with you all. If you have any ideas for content or would like to submit anything outside of the plan--please reach out! My goal is to keep everyone well informed and to showcase the outstanding work of our sisters around the state! I appreciate your flexibility and willingness to roll with changes as needed throughout the year.
Please contact me at [email protected] anytime.
The link one more time: Guidelines for the DKGNJ State Newsletter 2023 -2024
With gratitude,
Shannon Pizzuta
DKGNJ Newsletter Editor
I hope you are all enjoying the last few weeks of summer. As September is quickly creeping up on us, it is time to introduce myself. My name is Shannon Pizzuta and I am pleased to be the new state editor of the DKGNJ Newsletter. I am currently the Communications Chair in the Iota chapter which includes being the chapter editor, webmaster, and social media operator. Now, with the support of our last editor, the amazing Heather Leiberman, I hope I can continue to create a newsletter that makes DKGNJ proud. I know I have big shoes to fill, so please be patient with me as I learn the ropes.
With that being said, it's time to start planning the fall edition of our DKGNJ newsletter. This edition will heavily feature chapter updates. Please use this link to read the tentative submission schedule for the year, as well as the planned content for each newsletter. After a planning session with our DKGNJ President, Irene Maskaly, we have decided to expand the newsletter to include a brief summer issue, as well as a few new features including---- convention sales, member spotlights, and an end-of-year reflection for active members.
AZS Committee Chairs and Officers - Although you may not have news to submit for each newsletter, I am sending this email to you all in case you would like to submit an article at any point this year. You are very welcome to submit articles, committee reports or summaries, as needed, at any time!
Chapter Presidents - Please share this email with your chapter editors and ask them to email me their names asap. I will be creating a special email group to send submission reminders out throughout the year. Please ask them to kindly submit their "Chapter Updates" and 1st official "Member Spotlight" articles (with an optional photograph, including caption/credit) to [email protected] by the deadline of October 7, 2023.
I am looking forward to working with you all. If you have any ideas for content or would like to submit anything outside of the plan--please reach out! My goal is to keep everyone well informed and to showcase the outstanding work of our sisters around the state! I appreciate your flexibility and willingness to roll with changes as needed throughout the year.
Please contact me at [email protected] anytime.
The link one more time: Guidelines for the DKGNJ State Newsletter 2023 -2024
With gratitude,
Shannon Pizzuta
DKGNJ Newsletter Editor
What Every Discerning DKG Editor and Webmaster Needs to Know: See the attached pdf!
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