AZS Communications Survey 2016
Alpha Zeta State President, Barbara Smith, has appointed an Ad Hoc Committee on Communications/Publicity consisting of herself and Jan Paxton, Claire Swanson, Margaret Niemiec, Carol Schwartz, and Jessi Oliano.
The committee has been given the charge:
The committee has been given the charge:
- To investigate the communication and publicity needs of the AZS Organization
- To establish the responsibilities of a new communication and publicity committee that will address all areas of communication and publicity, and define the roles of the committee chairs
- To establish the responsibilities of a new AZS communication and publicity standing committee that will address all areas of communication and define the roles of the committee chairs.
- To draft the language for a comprehensive communication and publicity standing committee for AZS incorporating the AZS Bylaws and Standing Rules, the DKG Constitution and ISR, the DKG Guidelines for Chapter Communications and Publicity Committee Chairs and any other necessary resources the committee needs to accomplish their charge.
Here's where you come in: we need your help! We have prepared a short survey to help us evaluate the present communications needs of Alpha Zeta State members. Please help us to understand your needs. There are only 10 questions, but, as usual with surveys and evaluations, we really need 100% of our members to respond in order to get the whole picture. Make sure your response is in by January 1, 2017.
Use the scroll bar at the right hand side of the survey to get all the way to the end and hit the "Submit" button. You can use this link to go directly to the survey
Use the scroll bar at the right hand side of the survey to get all the way to the end and hit the "Submit" button. You can use this link to go directly to the survey