DKGNJ State Meeting
Saturday, January 6, 2024
**For anything that is password-protected, our DKG Founder will let you in :)
Our State meeting at Steinert High School in Hamilton is only weeks away on January 4th, fellowship at 9:30 AM, meetings starting at 10 AM.
Please remember that all members are welcome to attend the State meetings. Feel free to invite prospective officers!
Please remember that all members are welcome to attend the State meetings. Feel free to invite prospective officers!
Here are the documents you need for the meeting. None of the finance documents are linked here due to recent threatening phishing activity.:
- Agenda for the State Executive Committee Meeting
- Minutes from the September 7, 2024 State Meeting
- Treasurer's Report - contact your chapter president to get this file
- Deposits and Disbursements - contact your chapter president to get this file
- Audit report Fiscal year 2023-2024 - contact your chapter president to get this file
- Proposed Budget 2025-2026 as of 12-13-24 - contact your chapter president to get this file
- RBL Standing Rule Addition 2024-2025
- US Forum Zoom session announcement & link- send to chapter members
- US Forum Survey update- send to chapter members
It is essential for chapter presidents to contact their chapter members/chairs to attend the scheduled state committee meetings. A representative may be sent on their behalf as a substitute if needed. An agenda for the Chapter President's meeting will be sent to the Chapter Presidents next Friday. As a reminder, the following state committees will be meeting:
- Chapter Presidents
- Program Planning/EEC
- Membership
- Communications (Newsletter, Webmasters & Social media)
- Finance
- All committee reports are to be submitted to Chris Musick by email ([email protected]) either before the meeting or no later than one week after the meeting. The form for these reports can be found on the state website under Leadership Links > State documents.