As we look toward the future of DKGNJ, it's time to start searching for women who would be interested in serving at the state level. While we already have a slate of officers for the next biennium, it takes much more than state officers to keep our organization going. The incoming president will select her committee chairs to lead us forward. Members may self-nominate and/or nominate someone else. It would be great to have every chapter represented on a committee at the state level!
The most frequently asked question is " How much time is involved?" Not all state chairs have the same time commitment. Some chairs keep us informed on issues by forwarding emails from International, while others have the majority of their work centered around the state convention. There are 3 state meetings a year (September, January, June) and the convention in the spring, but not all state chairs are required to attend all state meetings. We encourage every member to come to the state meetings to see and hear what is going on in the state, whether they are a state chair or not. Not only that, it's a great way to meet women from other chapters. I encourage you to consider accepting a committee chair position Consider encouraging someone who might be a little reluctant. Sometimes, all it takes is a little encouragement and being recognized by a colleague. We are an organization of volunteers and it takes all of us working together to keep us ever-moving forward! Have them call, text, email me! Please respond to this form no later than March 29, 2025. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me. Remember...You Are Amazing! We need YOU and your VISION! Irene Comments are closed.